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About Cindy

Cindy specializes in hand drawn animations and illustrations with a focus on a slice-of-life ambience (and occasional cute things). 


During her time at Academy of Art University, Cindy has worked in the Game Collaborative Project Stronghold and provided prop concept art---used as reference by 3D modelers---for a 2.5D sidescroller game called A Thief's Tale. A little further into production, she helped as co-Art Lead and continued to provide art direction and references for the team. She compiled references as well as making her own short animations of the protagonist to convey a clearer picture for the 3D animators. (To her delight, it was mentioned to be of great help.)


She has also worked on animatics, storyboards, character design, and comic layouts. Her tools of trade include Toon Boom Harmony, Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, watercolor, markers, fountain pens, and a number of other mixed media.


Currently, she is working on a webcomic called Albedo & Parhelion, a slice-of-life story that looks in awe at all range of things, from fountain pens to astrophysics.


Her handle name, Muhensai, means infinite, boundless.

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